Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cancer of Depression: Its symptoms and treatment

There are times that we feel depressed. It is often triggered by life circumstances, such as a loss of job, losing of a loved one, divorce, and others.

Depression is based solely not only from our rational mind. Primarily, it is a spirit. It’s a spirit that will hold us close (if we allow it to happen) like a shadow. Those suffering from depression can experience intense feelings of sadness, anger, hopelessness, fatigue, and a variety of other symptoms.

They may begin to feel useless and even suicidal, losing interest in things and people that they once enjoyed. Could you even imagine how depression can affect your life if you don’t know how to handle it?

Mostly people find hard in fighting depression especially when they are vulnerable and weak in their faith. They are more than confused and troubled. They don’t know how to deal with it.

They focus on cutting off the fruit (of depression) not even thinking that it would grow back all over again.

We have to cut off the root- the spirit of depression, not its fruit.

Now is the time for us to remove the cloak of the spirit of depression.

The bible mentions many citations about how to deal with depression.

The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. (Rom. 8:26)

If God is for us, then who can be against us?

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all – how will he not also, along with him, graciously gives us all things? (Romans 8:31-33)

God will never allow temptations into our lives that are too much for us to handle (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Emotions can lead us astray, but God's Word stands firm and unchanging. We must maintain strong faith in God and hold even more tightly to Him when we undergo depression.

Once again, If God is for us, then who can be against us?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The School's Image to the Young Minds

 June 04, 2011      

              The School's Image to the Young Minds

Have you ever thought why your child gets lazy waking up early in the morning for school?

Well, see this.
“For your homework/assignment, answer  pages 78-81.
“If you didn’t pass the test, you won’t be able to pass the subject”.

“Yes Ma’am/Sir.” (with exhausted utterance)

How does it sound like?
What did you feel when you were seated once on their chairs ?

        School is the basic foundation of knowledge being imparted to a child. It gives a chance to children to acquire knowledge on various fields of education, such as people, literature, history, mathematics, politics, and other numerous subjects. Thus, it  plays a major role for the nation’s overall development.

        But... by looking it through a microscope,  there’s seemed to be very  wrong in it.

Answer: Children are tensed and uncomfortable going to school. 

What could be the possible reasons?

        The school has been felt as an institution full of written tests,homework wherein they all have to deal with them in order to advance into a higher form of learning.

        Thus, children (not only the obstinates) are not motivated to wake up early in the morning and pack their bags up for school.  They get threatened and totally stressed when they hear the announcements of their exams. They would wither like a flower whenever they write a bunch of homework on their notebooks because they’re sick and tired of them. And that’s a lot of things to do.

        In short, the school (traditional) has been given a gruesome image from the eyes of our children whom we have entrusted our hope. They go to school simply because they think that they are obliged to do such. This is horrible isn’t it?

        Well, I don’t blame the teachers  as culprits of the crime. The point here could be addressed to the conventional notion in our educational system. Enough consideration is needed to make them re-think about  the reality of its outcome.  This could be the reason why we have stubborn students in each class. Or even worst, one of the roots of the very well known ongoing mismatch between our graduates and the industry for  children.

        Truly, environment should be conducive to learning. How can we motivate our children to do good in  school if they are stressed? They rather need a challenging and purposeful environment, not the stressful one.

        As G.B. Shaw says, "What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child."

        We can make this happen for all of them if we work together and dare try to do something about it.