“Samsung has released its new Galaxy/Bada smartphones where each of which bears different designs and features.”
“Nokia’s unexpected partnership with Microsoft opens its door to a groundbreaking history in the phone industry.”
No one wants to be left behind now in these hi-tech yet pricey gadgets most especially smartphones,netbooks, and other cool and fancy gizmos.
Whenever we hear breaking news about gadgets from a friend or on a global t.v., most of us could not wait to get our own too. Many would spend all the money they have in their pocket or bank account. Some would swipe it off on their credit card. While others (whom I know) would never think twice to loan big money from a friend who is more in need of it too.
Our reasons for purchasing them varies from Eiiiiiiiiiiiiii to Zeeeeeeeeeee.
Technology is good unless it swallows your whole lifestyle.
Sadlly, nowdays, many people unconsciously do this. They have become too much attached with them.
Communication with Him has turned from always-often-sometimes-seldom… and the worst – never.
God feels jealous like we do. And that’s the saddest part of it – giving your closest friend (supposedly) less attention which you never did before.
We put value in the wrong place.
We forget to acknowledge that everything – our life, that we enjoy on this Earth, came from Him.
Thus, for without HIM, we don’t exist NOW.
Paul said, “I once thought all these things were so very important, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done.”
Our existence on earth is temporary. Eternal life comes hereafter.
So, don’t get so much attached with these earthly things. Don’t value things that are temporary.
Find the true value in eternal things. ( Ptr. Bill Miller)
There are much greater things awaiting us in the eternal life that no one can ever imagine.
Suggestion: Have a cup to tea and…..reorder your priorities.