Sunday, October 2, 2011

A memoir's lesson : Psalm 23

I remember so well when I was a child and we had several goats in our backyard. And I just love to watch my brother how he flocks them to the green field.

My brother really likes to raise goats in which he had kept himself busy with them.

Early in the morning at 6, he would bring them to the meadow which is quite far from our home.

Taking them to that place is not a piece of cake. Why?

He does it every day by himself.

Some goats would veer to the left and others to the right.  A few of them would go too far until they reach the road while others wouldn’t follow my brother’s command.

When the time clicks at 5 p.m. He patiently collects the goats and he would never send them home unless the goats are complete. 

By the end of the day, my brother is totally exhausted but I did never hear him complain about it. Not even a murmur.  He never grew weary in taking good care of them all.

He loved every single goat he had so much that he even gave a name for each of them.

This simple memoir reminds us of how God cares for,loves,treasures,endears, each of us.

He is the shepherd, and we are the sheep.

Sometimes we go astray and we don’t want to listen to his word because of the wordly things that we see along the road. Sometimes we think that we are wise enough, we are better, and no longer need His help.

But the most stirring part is he never ceases to take us there in the green pasture no matter how tedious it   is for him to do it. He cares much to all of us even you turn away from him. He is never tired of searching for you because we are his sheep and He is our loving shepherd.

Maybe some of us are still lost. And it’s not yet too late to come back to our shepherd. He is still searching and longing for you to come back to his loving arms.

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