Wednesday, February 29, 2012

For the Weary heart

Seeking for advice to calm down your weary heart?

“Pastor, please help me, I’m fighting depression.”
“Pastor, could you help me out with my problem I’m facing right now.”
“Lord, I need you now to give me strength in my burden. I am weary and weak.”

We often utter these words and seek counsel to our pastor and to our Creator in order to alleviate the burdens on our shoulders.

The Lord welcomes a weary heart and it stays true. (Matt. 7:7)

But sometimes, it’s only us ourselves who create our own troubles in life. We unconsciously generate problems because of what we value.

We have become preoccupied with making a living, doing our work, paying bills, and accomplishing goals as if these tasks are the point in life. They are not. 
(R. Warren)

We focused much with the things we easily see every day (i.e. money,bills,grades,fashion,gadgets etc.) neglecting the true important things (  appreciation of family and other relationships,food and health etc.) that should be given much more attention.


There are times when we complicate our problems by rethinking them over several times.

We also keep on fixing our eyes on the negative side of all the issues that comes along our way that creates a drastic effect towards us emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Appreciate the small things.

It’s the small things that give us the greatest punch.(English)


Don't feed yourself too much or you'll blow up.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Altitude of Attitude

Have you felt wherein you have everything  (i.e. family,wealth,friends) and yet there it seems something is missing inside.

What could that be?

Well, it’s the Holy Spirit that talks within you because we were all made by Him.

Yes, there’s something missing in you that’s why you can barely sleep each night.

It’s the greater cause that lacks in you to live with such great satisfaction especially to the hungry soul.

What is the altitude of your attitude towards Him? towards other people?

Maybe you’re getting way too many miles far from your Creator.

With great altitude we need to have great attitude for without it we will sink to a vast desert of emptiness. (Steven Newell)

Don’t judge life based on what you see today. Stay out of the worldly trend for everything will soon vanish except your deeds while you still live. Our life on earth is temporary so don’t embrace it too much.

Do not save riches for yourselves on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and robbers break in and steal. Instead, save riches for yourselves in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and robbers cannot break and steal. For your heart will always be where your riches are. Matt. 6:19-21

Redirect your focus.

Raise your altitude.

Listen to what He says.

Surrender everything he has given you and let Him lead you to his own will.

It was Him who carried us today after all.

Monday, February 20, 2012

1 Peter: A 10 Point Summary

The book of 1 Peter may look short and yet it carries much thought for everybody to think about especially in our present situation. Here is a brief summary for you to remember as you step each day of your life.

1.  Your body is made of Christ, so be holy at all times.
Therefore, get rid of all malice and all deceit,envy,hypocrisy, slander etc.

2.  Submit yourselves to your masters who are good and considerate and also to those who are harsh. This action is commendable before Him because you’re following His example.

3.  Wives and husbands MUST submit to one another ending up in pure harmony not in tragic divorce.

4.  DO NOT REVENGE. Pay evil deeds with blessings for you will have it in heaven.

5.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.

6.  The END of all things is near. LOVE one another, be hospitable, and serve others with whatever gift you have received WITH ALL YOUR HEART.

7.  If it’s hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and sinner?

8.  Be humble at all times for it is graceful to Him.

9.  Give your anxiety to Him for He cares for you.

10.                   Resist temptation and all sorts of the devil’s work.