Friday, April 24, 2015

My thoughts about 'The Maze Runner'

This is my very first book review that I have ever made in my blog. Pardon me for swerving a little bit but  I couldn't help myself to write my thoughts about the book, because it excites me so much. Given a solid one day holiday from school because of the Asian-African Conference Celebration and Commemoration, made me read and post this.

Thanks to Scott who owns this book

Finally, I was able to finish reading the first book from the Maze Runner series after a couple of weeks! Well, I actually prefer to watch it on a big screen rather than reading the book because I don't have the luxury of time at home. Besides, I am not really into reading books. But this one really caught my attention, so I decided to read the book after watching it. hehe!

Anyway, my thoughts about the book! Well, as what we usually expect, it was way different  and way better than the movie. I felt the Grievers more intimidating in the book. The precision of language created a vivid picture of what was really happening. James Dashner's wild imagination triggered mine which made me feel like I was in the maze with them. The plot was unpredictable and gripping. At the end of each chapter leaves you hanging that itches your fingers to flip on the next pages.

My favorite part of the book is when Thomas kept on making seemingly stupid and yet heroic deeds that left the characters astounded. He kept on putting his life on the line of death just to save his comrades. Thomas was unselfishly passionate and brave about savings the strangers' lives in spite of what they had treated him.

Upon reflecting and collecting my thoughts about him, a name suddenly popped up of nowhere. Thomas reminded me of Jesus who willingly put down His life on the cross just to save us. He knew what's going to happen, but He never backed down and gave up on us.

Jesus, for me, is still the most inspiring and the unsurpassed hero of all time.


  1. "James Dashner's wild imagination triggered mine which made me feel like I was in the maze with them."

    Sounds interesting... :D

    Btw, thought you were going to write something about your birthday today :p

  2. haha! a must read!
    well, i am about to....:)
