Sunday, April 29, 2012

Prayers that work Miracles

“Please pray for my examination”.
“Please pray for my husband’s healing”.
“Please pray for my job interview”.

How many times have you prayed for other people? Even the ones whom you hated most?

Prayed for healing, success, safety and security, strength to overcome issues in life and others?

Well, as sons and daughters of God we are urged to pray and lend our hands for one another regardless of who they are because that comes under the umbrella of our God’s greatest commandment. (Matthew 22:37)

How about having experienced and known that a total stranger was also desperately praying for your heart’s desire which was answered in the end?

 I’m talking about two strangers praying for the same thing to happen.

 Sounds awesomely amazing!

I tell you, I just had such a great experience recently that has reinforced my faith about prayers that work miracles.

There was this particular time that God had put me into a demanding situation wherein I had to make one of the biggest choices in my adult life. Honestly, it was overwhelming and I came to the point where I almost slip away.

Until now, I am still in the shock state and I keep on pondering on how that thing just happened. Not only God has answered my prayer, but I met a stranger who was also praying for that thing to happen.

It’s unbelievable because I just had a miracle!

I am a living testimony on how God knows the deepest desires of our hearts and our weaknesses even though we don’t know how to utter our prayers. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. (Romans 8:26-27)

Same goes with you brothers and sisters.

If we are desperately in need, we can ask and knock and the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8)

Sometimes God put us into a challenging situation so that we can talk to him and build a strong relationship with Him. That’s what prayers are meant for – to grow closer and more intimately connected to God.

On the other hand, we must understand and not forget that whenever we close the Lord’s prayer,  His will shall always be done. We must be ready to accept any result for Only Him who knows what’s best for us. We might not know why God didn’t favor our prayer, and yet He will reveal us the answer in His time.

Therefore, we should live by FAITH and not by SIGHT. (2 Corinthians 5:7) 

photo credit: the bbp via photo pin cc photo credit: Hamed Saber via photo pin cc


  1. Pray for a miracle total restoration reunite reconciliation in my relationship pray for salvation make us a righteous couple to worship praise our Lord Jesus Christ fill us with the Holy Spirit and rebuke all impurely spirit out of us evil doers and enemies that trying so hard to break us corrupt us and discourage us pray that we stay focus and to increase our faith trust believes and our love please pray for us to become one in Jesus name Amen may this new year be full of The Lord blessings for all us in Jesus name.......thank you and God bless

  2. Pray that God may work a miracle in relationship. Im in a relationship with a man that I love but doubt his love me. Pls pray for me that this relationship may work out. I really need to settle down
