Sunday, October 28, 2012

When things seem like impossible for us to do...

  A couple of weeks ago, I had my third graders to make up and write their own story based from the single picture shown on the LCD projector.

As what I had expected, twenty two of them out of twenty five whined up because they said that it's a complicated task for them to make and there's nothing but only a single picture. All that I heard from that moment is the phrase, "It's so hard, it's impossible to do it." Others even said like, "It will take forever to finish this story!".

What would you expect? Writing is such a laborious task for most of them especially it's their first time to write a story.

Well, the good thing is I am ten miles ahead of them.  I was already expecting these feedback so I called their attention.

Right away, I made my own story based from the given picture on the spot. I used their names and a few places they know.

I kept on talking and telling the story, putting each strand from one to another until I came up with a beautiful ending. To their amazement, they didn't notice that I stood and spoke for about five minutes.

Then, one of them sitting at the back said,

 "Oh! That's nice! I also have my own funny story!" That's easy!"

Then, the child sitting in front said, "Ahhh! I know what my story is going to look like!"
After that, another child and the rest  kept on muttering, "I have got a good idea!".

Everyone was able to finish their own stories.When I got back to my desk, I was giggling with the stories they came up. And of course, I felt very satisfied with their work.

The following day came and I have picked the best stories in each class.
All of them could not believe that they could write stories of their own just like their favorite authors.
There were several of them who said, "I want to make another story and I will do my best this time."

Five minutes before the bell rang, I told them that they should not put their mouth first in doing a given task not only from a teacher, but also from other people especially their parents.

We must learn from the story of Gideon bringing only three hundred soldiers with him and their pitchers of water, torches and trumpets against more than a hundred thousand  trained and experienced Midianites and Amalekites.

Also, don't forget the Israelites who brought down the great walls of Jericho by means of marching around with and blowing their trumpets.

These were lesser persons and they don't have much money and authority but they were able to succeed because of only one thing, and that is faith. They did whine up like what we always do, but I think that's the way God wants to show us up that we must always put our trust and faith in him first, and not our tongues.

When things seem like impossible for us to do, be not afraid nor discouraged, because His ways are not our ways. He does things in mysterious ways. He does great things more than what we can imagine.

Have you ever felt that God was calling you to do a task for Him and yet you didn't listen because you believe you don't have the ability and resources to do such?

Well, be glad and you are blessed!

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