What would you do if any of the following circumstances happened to you?
1. If you found out your girlfriend/boyfriend cheats on you;
2. If one of your colleague insulted you in front of other colleagues;
3. If someone took advantage on your generosity; and
4. If someone killed the person you love.
Most of us would probably say, “Wait for the payback time!”, "I shall never forgive you!",
We have a natural tendency to fight back someone who wounded us deeply. We want them to get hurt twice more than they did. We think about getting even, and settling the score, then we forget to forgive.We do this thing because we believe in this old law:
“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”
Jesus doesn’t want us to fight back.
There’s a following line omitted to the law. (Matthew 5:39)
“…Do not resist an evil person".
Romans 12:17-21 (NIV) Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.
Don’t do evil just because someone did evil to you. This is lame and childish. Don’t you recall when you used to argue with your brothers or sisters over a toy or a lollipop when mom or dad arrives, we pinpoint at one another and say, "He started it first!
When I tell my old friends about forgiving someone, they would always say...
"If no one stands up to the aggressor, if we don’t give him what he deserves, then he’s just going to keep on doing it!"
Well it sounds heroic and justified but God had answered it already before it happened to you.
“Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.
This policy is not a lack of justice. It is a call not to take personal revenge in order to get justice. Leave justice and revenge to God.
Overcome evil with kindness, as the Lord says.
Jesus has the rights to say this because He sets as the best example. He has been insulted, slapped, tortured,humiliated and crucified on the cross of our sins.Yet, He didn’t move a muscle to fight them back. Not even a single thought of revenge flashed in His mind. He did not stoop on their level because He knew they didn't know what they were doing. Instead, He gave forgiveness and salvation. Not Vengeance nor Hatred.
So, never let your thirst for justice turn into a quest for revenge. Don’t get even. You’ve been attacked and cheated, forced and taken advantage of. But answer evil with kindness and then leave everything else to God.
Pacify. Endure. Forgive
by Mr. Felix Pineda
It is a trait a person must possess
When sins he has to confess
It is easy to utter it
But often times hard to forget.
Man's forgiveness sometimes a lie
For at his back there is a cry
He would then say, " I'm just a man,
The pain it caused still in mind"
In love affair if forgiveness has no treatment
Its ultimate end " cool off " and no again
In a couple once forgiveness is not settled
A broken home; a broken dream are melted.
Forgiveness is quite universal
Positively if followed life is cordial
Negatively if not pursued life is fatal
Which of the two is man's focal?
Guys be reminded forgiveness is from God
Lesson it brings to all of us a real guide
How many times let us forgive to a defiled?
Not seven times but seven times ten as implied.
Vengeance is sweet momentarily and it has a long lasting bitterness.
photo credit: horizontal.integration via photo pin cc
photo credit: DaveAustria.com via photo pin cc