Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Distance defying relationships

Last Saturday, I have attended the wedding of my fellow colleague in Bandung, Indonesia. True happiness was found in the eyes of the couple during the entire wedding ceremony.

Ewout and Soffa

The journey of their love is truly uplifting and inspirational. They are two individuals who both fell in love divided by great and discouraging distance.  I couldn’t imagine how much pain and emotional distress they bore during the years of their relationship.

I thought that was nearly impossible to happen because it didn’t work for me. I couldn’t picture out how they settle their conflicts or arguments in such a case.  How did they manage to live under such cruel circumstances for several years?

They were able to defy that distance is nothing when the relationship is sealed with selfless love, untainted trust, strong will to persevere, and  faith to one another and mostly to the God in heaven. Those virtues have filled the cup of struggles, limitations, and shortcomings they had that enable them to conquer the world.

There are a few people I know who ended up happily ever after and they did show us a good example for us. 

But, there is only one person I know who has did more than anyone did.

The original example of this love is our Heavenly God. He is more than gazillions way above from us and yet He is able to put hope and love on us since the creation. Also,  He sacrificed His only Son to save us from the fire of destruction. 

He is the original conqueror of the world!

He is the first one who defied humanly impossible distance! 

Let us be glad, rejoice and give him a shout of praise for I know and am very most certain that our relationship with Him will end up more than the happily ever after stories we used to read when we were young. 

Let's be still, and wait until our Groom will walk us along the aisle of His heavenly kingdom.

photo credit: young_einstein via photo pin cc

photo credit: novi tumblers

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