Monday, June 25, 2012

The truth behind teaching

When I was about to graduate, I asked my friend as to what major will he take up in university, and he said he wanted to become a teacher because it is the easiest known profession in the world. I almost believed him because when I enter the university, most of my batch mates in the lower sections were all found enrolling the same major.

My friends would always tell me that education is the safe ground for those who are most likely to fail in their class. It is being looked down as at the bottom of all the professions because ,probably, it is the lowest paying profession that has ever existed in our country. I still remember my professor back in high school with his most discouraging words which go like this,

 "There is no money in teaching!"
"Look at me, I have been teaching for a decade and yet I am still wearing the same shirt everyday."
"You can dream bigger, do better than teaching for God's sake!"

When I started setting my feet into the realm of teaching,I started to realize about his exaggeration. There is indeed, very little money in the profession which can barely support the needs of my family.

Then, one day I met this teacher and was surprised when he knew that we both earn from the same profession for he was thinking I am going to be an engineer or architect. We had a dinner in the mall and shared each other's experiences in teaching. At the last part of our conversation, he said that he is very proud of what path I have chosen to take of all the profession. He said that though we earn less in teaching, we gain more because we,teachers, are part of molding the future of thousands of students coming from different walks of life. Also, it is thoroughly rewarding not because of the gifts you receive from them, but the joy it gives you when you were able to make them understand not only the lessons contained in the four walls of the classroom, but the real life itself. 

Some of the teachers out there would feel regret upon choosing this profession, or weariness with the ever changing challenges in our class, problems with our bills because of the insufficient salary we receive from private and public institutions, stressed out with what people gossips about your private life,  but I tell you this brothers and sisters, this path that we have chosen to take is not only us who made this to happen. God has planted us in this profession to grow and bear fruit and then in return plant the new seeds to become children of God. We are part of the extricate overall work of plan in the hands of our God. We are  entitled to pieces together the entire picture of His plan.We are the ambassadors of God called upon for the awakening and renewal of the people of the world that has gone astray and for without us, how can God fulfill His plans for all of us?

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:28-31)

photo credit: christian.senger via photo pin cc 
photo credit: chrissuderman via photo pin cc
photo credit: Corey Leopold via photo pin cc

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