Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pressing through the crowd for the Miracles of God

Yesterday morning, as I was scanning the verses of the New Testament in random order, I was struck  down by the message that appeared from Luke 8:40.

The story is about the woman suffered an incurable blood disease for twelve long years. She spent so many years seeking help from doctors and no one was able to cure her.

If you were in her shoes, would you still have the same hope that someone would heal you after several years? Would you still believe that someone like Jesus whom you barely know will take you out from your suffering?

Or would you accept the fact that no one is capable of curing your disease and wait for your demise? Or maybe not prolong your life by ending it so you may escape the curse of suffering?

After   a few moments of pondering about these verses, I have realized how deep the message of God is for His people.

You see that as Jesus was walking, the woman put her faith that He can heal her disease. She believed that by merely touching Jesus, her disease that caused most of her life’s tremendous suffering would finally end. 

But something stood up between the woman and Jesus – the crowd. The crowd was so busy pressing one another towards Jesus. So, there’s a hindrance towards the woman’s goal of touching the Messiah at that very moment. But the woman didn’t pay heed to the busy crowd before her. Instead, she patiently pressed through the crowd. She is a woman and fragile and weak because of her disease. She was pushed hardly, stumbled down the ground and yet she continued on her way to Jesus.  The crowd is so excited to see Jesus face to face and the people might not see her on the ground crawling under them so they might have stepped on her body, from head to toe and yet she was determined gearing towards Jesus. Never had she thought about going back where she was standing before the crowd because of her great desperation and faith that Jesus would really heal her.

Out of her sturdy willpower, she was only able to touch the cloak of Jesus from behind and something incredible happened to her. Yes! She was healed from her disease!  She stopped bleeding the moment she had touched the cloak of Jesus Christ!

This particular woman in the bible shows us a great example of her profound faith to the Savior. 

Sometimes we have big issues or problems in our lives. Life gets even tougher if a problem is followed by another and then the other one which makes our life wrap up with seemingly endless chain of problems that causes many people to give up. Sometimes these problems take a very long time before we can find the solution and fix it. Worse comes to worst, we end up peddling in the middle of uncertainty searching for answers we cannot find. Truly, man is very limited; there are diseases in life that we cannot cure. There are questions in life that we cannot give answers. These circumstances most of the time have caused thousands of people to give up.

The story of the woman teaches us to take hold of the difficulties of any scales in life. We are surrounded and get so impacted by a range of problems as we walk each day and we tend to give up; but we must remember that Jesus is always on the other side of the crowd. We must break through the crowd, press through it and fixate our eyes towards reaching Jesus.  Don’t care about what people might say and do to you. We must not be intimidated by the big crowd because our God is bigger than anybody/anything else in this universe. 

Don’t let the crowd stand between you and the miracles of God.

He is our healer! Our portion! And mighty redeemer!

photo credit: Dietmar Temps via photo pin cc
photo credit: via photo pin cc
 photo credit: VinothChandar via photo pin cc

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