Friday, June 1, 2012

When Science testifies God's love for man

Yesterday, my science topic for my kindergartners was about stars and luckily, they were so interested about them. Majority in the class liked Rigel, Pistol Star, Arcturus and most especially the biggest known star - Canis Majoris.  I explained to them that stars are not like as tiny dots as they can see in the clear night sky everyday. These colossal stars are more than millions or billions miles away from as that's why they appear small from us. Furthermore, I explained to them that these stars are much bigger than our sun and that they are not the animated stars they used to sing when they were in preschool.

While we were watching the short video clip that showed the clear comparison of the stars and the planets  in the solar system, a sudden strange feeling stirred me up so I immediately went to the toilet and washed my face for I could not believe how great our God is. I was completely stunned in awe for His love for us.

Take a look at the photo below.

Our planet barely appears a tiny dot when we put a Canis Majoris next to it. Yet Canis Majoris is only a tiny dot among several hundred billions stars forming our galaxy. And there are a hundred billions of galaxies out there! That is so unbelievable!

A hundred billions of galaxies

We are loved! I felt so happy that we are far away from these dangerous and scorching stars. How could Earth, only  a tiny spectacle, be placed in a safe location in the solar system far away from these gigantic stars? Why doesn't earth change its distance as it revolves around the sun?  Is it just a coincidence? No! 

God is the creator of all these things.
He placed the planets, stars, galaxies and other objects in the universe into their proper order and He knows each of them by name. Indeed, God is enormous and omnipotent. There have been discrepancies between science and the bible but we are not aware science itself testifies the truth about our living and Almighty God.

We are so tiny and fragile,barely visible like a vapor in the air and yet His love for us surpasses the vast universe.

How are you going to respond to this incomparable love?

photo credit: kern.justin via photo pin cc

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