Friday, May 25, 2012

Praising God in advance!

Whenever we ask a favor to our parents, friends or colleagues normally, we would always say thank you after they have done our favor.

How about when we ask a favor to our God?

Do you also give thanks or praise Him after He has done something for you?

Almost everybody does this way. Even non-Christians would do such because they are focused and very much attached to the result of their favors in prayers.

We must praise and thank Him in advance!
Praise Him for something He has not done yet.

Why so?

Because nothing is impossible with Him. (Luke 1:37)
He has the divine power to bring anything to pass101% guaranteed.
He is the only God who  is perfect and that never fails to His children who faithfully believe and do His will.

photo credit: dtcchc via photo pin cc

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