Friday, May 18, 2012

Anger Management 101

After I have watched the stumbling video of Raymart along with his wife, Claudine  and Mon Tulfo brawling at NAIA airport, I was thinking whose fault it was. Both parties are debating and throwing accusations against each other attesting who should be blame in the scene. The audience also has their own jurisdictions as to which was the bad guy in the scene and who was the abused.

I was trying to put myself in both parties’ shoes and suddenly there’s one point I realized if I were them.

In  my opinion, fighting or dispute could have been prevented if both parties remained calm and gave chance for themselves to think over the consequences that may happen if they choose this or this. Well, sometimes, we quickly blow up especially when we are not feeling well emotionally and physically. For instance you’re at that point sick, emotionally aching, in the midst of worrying or anxious about things in your life and then all of a sudden another stressful or a much bigger apprehension came abruptly.

The Bible tells us so many things how the Paul, David and Jesus felt it and how did they turn it out to use it as a tool of advantage to correct the ways of foolishness into righteousness. (See Galatians 2:11-14,2 Samuel 12, and John 2:13-18)

Feeling anger is in our Nature and not all anger is sin.  It’s a very powerful tool that must be used to bend the ways of the wickedness or unrighteousness. Sometimes its great power is just too much to handle. Instead of us controlling it, it turns out that anger overpowers us and controls our entire being particularly our mind, emotions and actions. We lose control of it and we become a furious beast that destroys relationships and produces irreparable consequences. By the time we realize that we were wrong, it already too late to reconcile for the damage we have done.

·       The tongue is a very small organ and yet it’s so powerful. It can destroy a relationship by a single statement. Therefore, let’s be watchful with each word that comes out from our mouth.

·       Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. (James 1:19)

·       Cast all your anxieties to Him because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7) Pray that the Holy Spirit will remain in your mind and heart. Pray that you must be ready to act righteously whenever you face anger in your life.

Anger is an innate habit of man but when we live according to the pattern of our God, He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear; he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under any temptation. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

photo credit: timsamoff via photo pin cc

photo credit: Hamed Saber via photo pin cc

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