Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Why does God test us?

Whenever I recall my high school and college days, I couldn’t help but giggle in my room.  I am talking about the days of endless quizzes, exams and other tests. Some were really quiet and serious whiles others were quiet and cheating to their seatmates.Those were the quietest days I had in my teenage life and I just hated them because I had no choice but to burn the midnight oil each day before the test.

After I graduated from the university, I thought that would be the end of the tests in life. I was wrong.

The tests now are even more complicated and challenging more than I had ever imagined.

We all have our own tests from Him who made and brought us here on this world. 

Just like our beloved teachers back in elementary through tertiary, they were so quiet during the exams. God is also quiet in our tests in life but it doesn’t mean that He is far from us nor forsakes us. We need to remind ourselves that whenever we are in trials or tribulations, God is just putting exams on us to build and to develop our faith and character towards Him and towards other people.

So why worry with these tests? 

Rather, let us be glad and welcome them in our lives for they give us opportunities to grow in all aspects especially our spiritual growth. 

More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance. (Romans 5:3)

Remember that we don’t belong to this world, but to Him so let’s be prepared and be still on these tests until the day He comes to deliver us to the place where we really belong.

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.  (James 1:2)

Would you dare cheat in God's exams for you?

photo credit: Abdullah al-jowair  via photo pin cc

photo credit: jackhynes via photo pin cc

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